Water Hygiene
Novion® S L
Powerful 3-way action on quality
of water and gut health
A three way action farm application
with the following features:
1. Enteric development
2. Water sanitation and antibacterial
3. Change of microflora community in the gut
for a better balanced flora
Novion® S L is a proprietary formulation that
combines organic acid with butyric acid, benzoic acid, MCFA and phytochemicals. Emulsifiers and high speed mixers
homogenize it to an easily water soluble complex, making
it very effective on farm and addressing various bacterial
challenges and related disorders.
Users try to keep it in the water as much as possible, not necessarily waiting for special occasions. We have received outstanding in vivo response and feedback from a number
of users.
Novion® S L is safe, natural and good for the animal’s health.
pH reduction by Novion® S L

- Control of disease challenge (bacteria and viruses)
- Low inclusion level
- Strong pH reduction and sanitation of the water
- Effective antibacterial barrier at stomach level
- Supply of highly available energy source to build and maintain intestinal integrity
- Well tested effective botanical components and
fatty acids to enlarge the antibacterial scope
over the entire digestive tract - Avoids biofilm deposition
- Enhances palatability and feed safety of liquid
feed for farm animals
Dosage and application